Friday, 28 September 2007

LONDON (Thomson Financial) - Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC said it has priced 1.3 bln eur preference share issue and will pay a fixed a 7.0916 pct dividend per annum adding the shares have a liquidation preference of 50,000 eur each.

Separately, the group priced its 750 mln stg preference share issue and will pay a 8.162 pct annual dividend adding the shares have a liquidation preference of 1,000 stg each.

It also priced its 1.5 bln usd non-cumulative category II shares and will pay a fixed 7.64 pct dividend per annum.

RBS added it has priced 600 mln cad fixed/floating undated callable step-up Tier 1 notes, which will pay a fixed 6.666 pct coupon per annum while it priced 1.6 bln usd of preferred capital securities which will pay a fixed 6.99 pct coupon per annum.

See Original Article

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