Friday, 9 November 2007

IT businesses protected by 'paperless offices'
IT businesses are less at risk of disaster due to the emergence of the paperless office, according to industry experts.

The Association of Business Recovery Professionals, R3, which is the leading professional association for insolvency, business recovery and turnaround specialists in the UK, has said that IT firms have a better knowledge of back-up procedures making their businesses more secure.

It also added that where there is a greater physical flow of paper it is more difficult to remain safe.

Nick O'Reilly, vice president of R3, said: "IT and software consultancy based businesses tend to be better than manufacturing businesses because, by their very nature, they tend to have much more knowledge of security back-up procedures, etc, and they can operate from home or from any other setting. They don't have as many physical files or physical papers."

He continued: "The trouble with a lot of firms, including lawyers and accountancy firms, is that although they all aspire to be electronic, there is still a lot of paper flow in most offices."

According to Disaster Recovery Solutions, 90 per cent of businesses that lose data are forced to close within two years and around 80 per cent of firms without a tested recovery plan are forced to close within 12 months of a fire or flood.

See Original Article

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