Monday, 30 April 2007

Corporate Insolvency has been made easier. This means that companies struggling with debts and are unable to keep all their payments up to date have a ray of hope. Insolvency is a problem which can be controlled without the business being lost.

If you want help with your business insolvency then call us now.

Call on: 0800 071 1616



Saturday, 28 April 2007

The number of Insolvency Firms is increasing steadily. In 2005 the ICAEW licensed 706 Insolvency with the figure rising to 710 in 2006 from an industry total of about 1,700.

The rising number of Insolvency firms means people are spoilt for choice and may sometimes choose poorly in favour of convenience.

If you want the best working for you then call us. We work for both personal and corporate insolvency and we can help you.

Call us on: 0800 071 1616

Email Us On:


Friday, 27 April 2007

If you are struggling to cope with mounting debts and feel you are unable to keep going then it is never too late to call us. We can help reduce your monthly outgoings and prevent bankruptcy. We can even help you keep your business!

We work for both business and personal insolvency, so don't be afraid to call us!

Call us on: 0800 071 1616



Thursday, 26 April 2007

Uncontrollable gamblers are now making use of the IVA system to clear their debts. These can be substantial in some cases as borrowing will be out of control so they can continue gambling. The instruction of an IVA can prevent those debts from becoming out of control. Serious debts are being reduced to manageable levels so the individual can concentrate on breaking the gambling habit.

Are you concerned about your debts?

Call us on: 0800 071 1616

Email us:

See us on the web:

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

New reports are showing that the IT industry has seen a drop in the first quarter corporate failure. This is the first time in four years this has happened according to experts. The total amount of corporate failures has fallen in the UK by 8.8% during the first quarter of 2007.

Experts are remaining cautious though as 2006 saw record levels of corporate failure and 2007 may yet reach the same levels. This is the first fall of this kind since 2004. It should be welcomed but caution should be maintained as figures could still skyrocket through the remaining quarters. Experts are theorising this could be the 'calm before the storm' and insolvency rates will rise uncontrollably in the remainder of the year.

If you are concerned about becoming a casualty of insolvency then please call us before it's too late. We can help save your business and keep you in control of your finances.

Call us on: 0800 071 1616

Email us:

See us on the web:

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

People in Australia are still refusing to accept insolvency and continuing to trade. Many are damaging both their company and their personal interests by refusing to admit to insolvency. If recognised or accepted earlier many businesses could still be trading.

It is not simple to determine if your firm is insolvent - which is when a business or individual is unable to pay debts or is short of cash. An emotional involvement with the company can also cloud a persons view or make them blind to the obvious because they simply cannot accept it.

Experts have said that many businesses may renegotiate their debts or pay some suppliers, but if they do not deal with the underlying insolvency then they will loose their chance to rescue the company. If left too late then you simply have to auction off the assets of the company in order to meet the payments. This will prevent the business from making a turnaround as the underlying problems still remain. When the business finally fails the directors of the business are liable for the company debt which results in personal debt issues.

If you are concerned about your businesses insolvency and how it can affect you then please call us before it is too late. It is best to admit you are struggling and deal with the debt before it is too late. We can reduce your monthly payments to a level you can manage, getting you and your business back on track.

Call us on: 0800 071 1616

Email Us:

See us on the Web:

Monday, 23 April 2007

Britain has been hit by a heatwave unknown for spring and it is the time for a "spring clean". So why not clean away your debts and call us!

We work with both business insolvency and personal insolvency. Our impartial service is aimed to help you, not your creditors. We can you to be free to live your life the way it should be.

Call us on: 0800 071 1616

Email us:

See our website:

Saturday, 21 April 2007

Australians are struggling financially also! Thousands are being pushed into debt and bankruptcy levels are rising. It has been noted that the last thing people are paying is their tax and low profits mean that businesses are unable to cover their expenses or taxes. This stems from poor financial management on the businesses end. Also people are keeping dying businesses going when there is no hope in sight instead of winding down and saving themselves before it is too late.

Most bankruptcies at the moment involve tradespeople and the husband-wife small business. The failing businesses can also affect consumer demand, this can also destroy a business. Bad legal action, competition, credit problems, price changes, costs rising and industry conditions can all make or break a business.

In some cases the business fails due to excessive personal debt on the behalf of the owner, which makes it hard to maintain the business.

If you are concerned that you are struggling to keep your business alive or are drowning in personal debt then call us. We can advise and help for both you and the business.

Call us on: 0800 071 1616

Email us at:


Friday, 20 April 2007

Additional rises in the interest rate has the potential to push many residents of Scotland into financial difficulties. It has been estimated that personal insolvencies in Scotland are increasing by 20% per year and are reaching an all time high.

It is estimated that around two million people in the UK are considered to be 'irretrievably indebted'. This means they are only able to pay off the interest on their debts without ever making any headway on paying off the debts themselves.

The higher interest rates also means that many people will see their mortgage payments rise, which may also result in more unpaid mortgages.

See this full article at: Google News

If you are concerned about your own debts and meeting your payments please contact us for help. We can reduce them to a manageable level to help you get back in control of your life.

Call us on: 0800 071 1616

Email us on:

See us on the web:

Thursday, 19 April 2007

A London based Insolvency firm has announced it saw an increase in annual revenue in the 54 weeks up to March 31st. This was helped by a climbing rates of personal insolvency in the UK.

If you are concerned about your debts then call Debtsgone. We can help reduce your payments to a manageable level and stop your creditors hassling you. You can get your life back!

Call us on: 0800 071 1616

Email us on:

See our website:

NEWS Ltd chief general counsel Ian Philip told the NSW Supreme Court he had concluded before the One.Tel board cancelled a $132 million rights issue on May 29, 2001, that News was not committed to contribute. One.Tel went into administration the same day.

Yesterday the court was shown a fax that Mr Philip sent on May 28, 2001, to Rupert Murdoch, executive chairman of News Ltd's parent company, News Corporation, which referred to the risk of One.Tel's insolvency.

"I think to be honest by this stage I had formed the view that we were no longer committed to the rights issue," Mr Philip said.

The basis for the view that News was no longer committed to the rights issue was "the misrepresentations about the financial position of the company that we had relied on in committing to the underwriting", Mr Philip said.

by Elisabeth Sexton (Google News)

Full article

If you are concerned your business is struggling then call us. We can help reduce your monthly repayments and stop creditors hassling you.

Call us on: 0800 071 1616

Email us on:

See us on the web:

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Although levels of Corporate Insolvency have been low so far this year the same is not true for the [private individual. Levels of IVA's (Individual Voluntary Arrangements) is still at a high level in March. Also March was a record month for loan completions, indicating the general public are borrowing more then previously.

It has also been noted that levels of loan acceptance by creditors dipped in January this year because creditors were adding extra controls in their acceptance procedures. The March figures are showing a recovery in lending, indicating borrowing may still continue to rise.

If you have repayments you can no longer cope with and are struggling to survive then please call us. We are always happy to help and can offer solutions to reduce your payments to a manageable level.

Call Us On: 0800 071 01616

Email us on:

Visit us on the web:

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

The housing market may be risking crash but the British public do not appear concerned as they continue their retail therapy.

Retail sales have risen by almost 11% in Central London compared to last year in the month of March. Figures are showing that people are hitting the shops less often but are spending more each time.

The recent good weather also has people out buying outdoor equipment, including gardening tools.

See the full article on Google News here.

Have you overspent? Are your credit cards getting on top of you? Is your business weighed under by unwanted demands from creditors?

Then call us for help! We can save you from Bankruptcy and take the pressure of debt off you.

Call us on: 0800 071 1616

Email on:

See our Website:

Monday, 16 April 2007

Information is now showing that rates of Corporate Insolvency have fallen for the first time in four years. The drop in Corporate failures has fallen 8.8% in the first three months of 2007 according to the latest figures released by Experian. This is a great difference to the 2006 figures which showed the highest levels ever recorded.

Experts are remaining cautious though as this may be the "calm before the storm" with the possibility of rising rates through the next quarter of 2007. It has also been noticed that there have been a number of high profile insolvencies already in 2007.

If your company is struggling with mounting debts please contact us, we can help!

Call us on: 0800 071 1616

Email us On:


Sunday, 15 April 2007

Courts are now rejecting pleas of 'Deepening Insolvency' as a cause of action as the law does not require a business to be wound up solely for the benefit of creditors. It was stated that the Board Of Directors should be able to exercise their informed business judgment to try and turn the company around. This gives the company an opportunity to continue trading.

If your business is struggling with overwhelming demands from creditors and you fear going out of business then call us. We can off you options to reduce your debt to a manageable level and save your business!

Call us on: 0800 071 1616



Saturday, 14 April 2007

Have you had health problems or an injury in the past?
Have these problems meant that you have been unable to work?
Are you now trying to claw through a mountain of debt that you can't cope with any more?

We are here to help.

More and more people are suffering a loss of income due to an injury or illness preventing them from working. This loss often leads to borrowing in order to get by or even a dangerous arrears in the bills. When you do finally get back to work there isn't enough money to go around all your creditors.

This can be worse still if you are trying to run a business. An extended hospital stay does not meet the deadlines and soon your clients start looking elsewhere. When you are able to work you have lost everything and the bills are mounting up.

This can often lead to people loosing their homes/business or becoming unable to work through stress caused by mounting debts. Neither of these are necessary.

Call us on 0800 071 1616. We are experts in saving businesses in trouble. The sooner you call us the sooner we can help you get back on track.

Save your business today:

Call us on: 0800 071 1616

See our website:

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Friday, 13 April 2007

Reports are showing that many people are now unable to afford to buy their own homes. Many public sector works such as Teachers, Nurses, Firefighters and Police are affected.

The main areas suffering from higher prices are London and the South East England but the property prices are rising beyond the capacity of wage payments. This results in fewer and fewer people being able to afford initial payments and to maintain them.

The rises in prices will simply mean that fewer and fewer people will be able to support their own homes, possibly resulting in more repossessions. Also those people purchasing properties with the intention of letting them may have to put rent up to cope with the increasing costs.

If you are struggling with debts which may be getting on top of you and putting your home at risk then now is the time to call us.

Call on: 0800 071 1616



Thursday, 12 April 2007

Reports are showing that there is a 66% increase in Mortgage repossession orders in the last 3 months. The levels of repossession orders has been increasing since 2004 and the total number of homeowners being taken to court by their lenders has risen by 55%. The rise is being attributed to the increases in the interest rates between Nov 03 and Aug 04.

Estimates currently show that the repossession trend is set in increase by the end of the year, although are still below the levels of the early 1990's property market crash. Although these figures are showing that many more people are being issued with repossession orders and/or court dates actual repossession rates are actually much lower.

If you are concerned that you are unable to meet all your obligations both as an individual or as a business please feel free to contact us. We can help to reduce your outgoings and possibly save you the heartache of repossession. We may be able to save your business and your home if you call us now!

Call us on: 0800 071 1616


We apologise for any problems experienced with our website, we are currently striving to improve it by adding new features. If you have any difficulty using the site please feel free to contact us, we are always willing to help.

If there are any suggestions you would like to make to improve our site we would love to hear from you. We always welcome constructive input from our audience in order to improve our service.

Call us on: 0800 071 1616


Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Welcome to the launch of the Debtsgone PLC blog. This blog will provide an online resource for people/companies struggling with the issue of debt. We will also post any information relevant to this subject to keep you informed.

We are a national Insolvency company based in the UK. We offer support for business and individual debt without resorting to bankruptcy where possible. We work within government legislation to offer Voluntary Arrangements to reduce debts to a manageable level and even save your business from going under through excessive outgoings. We can even help you if a Winding Up Petition has been issued, it is never too late to save your business.

Call us direct on: 0800 071 1616

Or see our website:

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