Wednesday, 25 April 2007

New reports are showing that the IT industry has seen a drop in the first quarter corporate failure. This is the first time in four years this has happened according to experts. The total amount of corporate failures has fallen in the UK by 8.8% during the first quarter of 2007.

Experts are remaining cautious though as 2006 saw record levels of corporate failure and 2007 may yet reach the same levels. This is the first fall of this kind since 2004. It should be welcomed but caution should be maintained as figures could still skyrocket through the remaining quarters. Experts are theorising this could be the 'calm before the storm' and insolvency rates will rise uncontrollably in the remainder of the year.

If you are concerned about becoming a casualty of insolvency then please call us before it's too late. We can help save your business and keep you in control of your finances.

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